Be Wrong

Jun 24, 2021

Be willing to be wrong. 

Being willing to be wrong means possibility. 

Our brains want us to be right but right can mean no other option.  

Being right is limiting.

Getting curious about how I could be wrong in all areas of my life was a huge turning point for me.

It's what helped me discover my super power.

My ability to serve fully and cleanly.

To see you as your higher self, without the self judgement, without the story.

It's through this lens that setting and meeting goals become so powerful.

When we want something but we aren't willing to be wrong, we stay stuck.

But, when we are willing to be wrong, and get really curious.... possibility becomes within reach.

And setting goals, declaring you want what you want, is taking a stand.

Going after what you want, taking action on purpose, is deliberately creating your best self concept and creating momentum and achievement.

The positive by products are 

  • increased focus
  • decreased overwhelm
  • decreased confusion
  • increased self trust
  • confidence
  • being totally impressed with yourself

Being willing to be wrong, may just be the best thing you ever do.

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