Daily Practices for Building Unshakable Self-Trust

Sep 18, 2024
coffee cup over note with your daily routine matters from The Self Trust Coach

Self-trust isn't something that suddenly appears in your life. It’s a quality that develops gradually, nurtured by the small, consistent actions you take every day. We often believe that building trust in ourselves requires grand gestures or significant milestones. However, it's the everyday practices—those seemingly minor actions—that lay the groundwork for deep, unshakable self-trust. In this article, I’ll share some of my favorite daily practices that can help you cultivate a strong and supportive relationship with yourself. These practices may seem simple, but they have the power to transform how you think, feel, and ultimately trust yourself.

1. Create a Comfort Plan

The pursuit of every goal (as is true of life itself) involves moments of discomfort and uncertainty. A comfort plan is a proactive strategy designed to help you navigate moments of discomfort and uncertainty. It includes specific actions and practices that provide comfort and reassurance, allowing you to stay focused and motivated. Your comfort plan can address different types of comfort: Physical, mindful, preparatory, and spiritual. By tailoring these comforts to suit your unique preferences and circumstances, you create a supportive environment that fosters both immediate relief and sustained progress.

A comfort plan could be as simple as leaning back and lowering your shoulders(physical), bringing to mind recent accomplishments and blessings (mindful), or tidying up your workspace at the end of each day to create a welcoming environment for the next morning (preparatory). These small acts of kindness towards yourself send a powerful message: you are on your side, reliable and committed to your well-being. Over time, these gestures become a cornerstone of self-trust, reinforcing your belief that you can count on yourself to meet your needs.

2. Remind Yourself of Your Strengths and Achievements

Another daily practice that strengthens self-trust is acknowledging your own strengths, accomplishments, and the resilience you’ve developed over time. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle of daily life and forget to recognize how far you’ve come and the qualities that make you unique.

Each day, take a moment to reflect on what you’ve overcome, what you’ve achieved, and the strengths you possess. Whether you write these reflections in a journal, speak them out loud, or simply ponder them during a quiet moment, this practice serves as a powerful reminder of your capabilities. By consistently recognizing and celebrating your strengths, you reinforce your belief in yourself and your ability to navigate whatever challenges come your way.

3. Design a Supportive Schedule

Creating a schedule that honors you as a whole person is essential for maintaining self-trust. This means designing your day not just around work or obligations, but also around time for family, self-care, and relaxation. A supportive schedule is one that makes room for all the important aspects of your life, ensuring that you are not just productive, but also fulfilled.

When you consciously allocate time for self-care and other meaningful activities, you send a clear message to yourself: your well-being matters. This balanced approach to scheduling helps to maintain self-trust by showing that you are committed to taking care of yourself in a holistic way. It’s a reminder that your needs are a priority, and that you are deserving of a life that nurtures all parts of who you are.

4. Tell Yourself the Truth Without Judgment

Honesty is crucial in any trusting relationship, including the one you have with yourself. Make it a daily practice to be truthful with yourself, but do so with compassion and without judgment. This means being a safe space for your own thoughts and feelings, allowing yourself to process them without the fear of harsh self-criticism.

When you practice self-compassion and truth-telling, you create a foundation of trust with yourself. You know that you can count on yourself to be honest and supportive, no matter what challenges you face. This practice is about building a relationship with yourself where you feel understood, valued, and safe—essential components of deep self-trust.

5. Let Others Be Wrong About You

One of the most liberating practices for building self-trust is allowing others to be wrong about you. People will always have opinions, judgments, and criticisms, but these do not define you. By letting go of the need to prove yourself or correct others, you reclaim your energy and reinforce your trust in yourself.

This practice is about standing firm in your own truth. You know who you are, and that’s enough. When you stop seeking external validation, you strengthen your inner trust and become more grounded in your self-worth. It’s a reminder that your value comes from within, not from what others think or say about you.  It is only then that external validation is truly validating.


Building unshakable self-trust doesn’t require grand gestures or dramatic changes. It’s the small, daily practices—like creating a comfort plan, acknowledging your strengths, designing a supportive schedule, and telling yourself the truth—that make the biggest difference over time. These practices may seem simple, but they are powerful tools that can transform the way you relate to yourself. By incorporating these actions into your daily routine, you can cultivate a deep, enduring sense of self-trust that will support you through life’s ups and downs.

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