Expectations vs. Trust: Building Self-Confidence in the Face of Ambitious Goals

Jul 17, 2024
The Self Trust Coach Logo overlayed on image that says expectations

The Impact of Expectations on Trust

We often set high expectations for ourselves and others. When these expectations aren’t fulfilled, it’s easy to feel let down. This disappointment can erode trust—not just in others but also in ourselves. Consider how many times you’ve set a goal, fallen short, and then felt a nagging sense of failure. Each missed target can chip away at your self-trust, making it harder to set and pursue future goals with confidence.

It’s important to recognize that the real issue may not lie in the actions or inactions that led to unmet expectations but in the expectations themselves. Were they realistic? Were they set too rigidly? Understanding this can help us reevaluate how we approach our goals and expectations.

Rethinking How We Set Expectations

Common advice suggests managing or lowering expectations to avoid disappointment. While this can reduce immediate frustration, it might also limit your potential and ambition. Instead of lowering your expectations, consider how you approach them.

Hold onto your audacious expectations. Aim high and dream big. However, handle the process of achieving these goals with flexibility and openness to trial and error. It’s essential to allow for mistakes and missteps, seeing each attempt as a learning opportunity rather than a reflection of your capabilities. 

Meeting high expectations often requires perseverance and numerous iterations. Normalize the effort involved and embrace it as part of the journey. By doing so, you can maintain your high standards while being kind and patient with yourself along the way.

Creating a Safe Space for Decision-Making

When striving to meet your expectations, the decision to keep pushing forward or to take a pause shouldn’t come from a place of fear or self-judgment. Instead, create a supportive environment where you can make decisions with confidence and deliberation.

This safe space allows you to make choices without the pressure of living up to every expectation immediately. Remember, you can only truly understand what it takes to achieve your goals by engaging in the process. It’s through trial and error that you gather the insights needed to decide your next steps effectively.

If you don’t meet an expectation, it doesn’t have to reflect negatively on you. Use these moments as opportunities to adapt, learn, and grow. You have the power to adjust or build on your expectations based on what you discover along the way.

Growing Self-Trust Through Expectations

High expectations aren’t inherently problematic; in fact, they are the catalysts for growth and achievement. What matters most is how you interpret and react to your progress and setbacks. Viewing them through a lens of growth and opportunity can enhance your self-trust.

Avoid letting unmet expectations define your self-worth or capabilities. Instead, preserve and even boost your self-trust by seeing each setback as a part of your journey. These experiences are proof of your willingness to try and adapt, which is crucial for personal development.

Key Takeaways for Building Self-Trust

As you reflect on your relationship with expectations and self-trust, consider these key points:

  1. Lean Into High Expectations: Don’t shy away from setting ambitious goals. Embrace your high expectations and allow yourself to strive for greatness.
  2. Supportive Decision-Making: Create a safe and supportive space to make decisions. Back your choices, whether you decide to push forward, pause, or adjust your path.
  3. Reframe Setbacks: See unmet expectations as valuable learning experiences. Use them to refine your approach and enhance your decision-making, rather than as judgments against your abilities.

By changing how we relate to our expectations and the decisions we make, we can build and sustain self-trust while pursuing our most ambitious goals. Here’s to your journey of high expectations and unwavering self-confidence.

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