Unlocking Goal Success: The Power of Incorporating Evaluation into Your Process

Oct 09, 2024
The key to keeping your goals on target?  Incorporating evaluation INTO the plan.  Image of dart on bullseye target with The Self Trust coach Logo and image of Dawn Ledet, The Self Trust Coach

Setting a goal is an exhilarating moment. You know exactly what you want to achieve, when you want to achieve it, and how you'll measure success. For example, imagine your goal is to complete the first draft of your book and submit it to your editor by January 1st. Success is clear: you'll know you've achieved your goal when you send that email with your completed manuscript attached before the deadline. Simple, right?

But setting the goal is just the beginning. The real magic happens when you create a plan that guides you through the process. This roadmap is essential, but it’s incomplete without a key component—evaluation. Incorporating strategic evaluations into your goal plan is one of the most powerful tools to ensure not only that you reach your goal, but that you do so in an informed, adaptable, and sustainable way.

By building evaluation checkpoints directly into your plan, you can reflect, refine, and adjust as needed, ensuring that your journey stays on course without leading to burnout or overwhelm. This transforms the entire process into an ongoing learning experience, allowing you to make real-time improvements rather than waiting until the end to assess what worked and what didn’t.

1. Building Checkpoints into Your Goal Plan

One of the most important aspects of self-evaluation is ensuring it happens regularly throughout your goal journey, not just at the end. That’s why it’s essential to build checkpoints directly into your goal-setting process. These are scheduled moments of reflection that allow you to take a step back and assess how things are progressing before you get too far off course.

Think of these checkpoints as “course correction” opportunities that keep you aligned with your end goal. For instance, if your goal is to finish writing a book, set checkpoints at the completion of each chapter or section. At each checkpoint, evaluate what’s working—perhaps you’re sticking to your writing schedule—and what isn’t, such as certain chapters taking longer than expected. These reflections help you make necessary adjustments without derailing the entire project.

2. Identifying Parameters for Data-Focused Checkpoints

Knowing what to evaluate at each checkpoint is key to the effectiveness of your process. This is where data-focused checkpoints come in. Before you begin, identify measurable parameters that will help you track progress in a tangible, clear way. These can include numbers (like word count), milestones (like completing certain chapters), or even mental indicators (such as motivation or stress levels).

By setting these parameters upfront, you take the drama and confusion out of the evaluation process and give yourself something concrete to measure against. Ask yourself the following:

  • What data do I expect to see if my goal is on track?
  • What would suggest it’s not working and that adjustments are needed?
  • Are there any trends that might indicate faster-than-expected progress, and how should I respond?

Having these questions answered in advance allows you to avoid ambiguity and keeps your evaluations grounded in facts rather than drama.

3. Strategies for Adjustment and Pivoting

Evaluations aren’t just about looking back at where you’ve been—they’re also about deciding where to go next. The data you gather from your checkpoints provides valuable insights that can guide you toward making necessary adjustments or even pivoting your approach entirely.

For example, if a certain writing schedule is working particularly well, double down on it. If, on the other hand, you find that your current routine isn’t producing the results you hoped for, it’s time to pause and reconsider your approach. These moments are crucial because they remind us that no goal journey is perfectly linear. Things will inevitably need to be tweaked, and that’s okay! Regular evaluation helps you stay nimble and responsive, avoiding the trap of sticking rigidly to a plan that no longer serves you.

4. Making Evaluation Fun and a Normal Part of Your Process

Let’s be honest: the idea of self-evaluation can feel like a chore. But when you integrate it into your routine and even make it enjoyable, evaluation becomes empowering rather than burdensome. One way to do this is to change how you think about evaluation—view it as a celebration of your progress and an opportunity to learn, grow, and get better. Bring a true desire to learn from yourself and the process.  Put on the lens of an investigator or strategist.

Try incorporating rituals to make evaluation something you look forward to. This could be setting aside time with your favorite coffee or using engaging tools like journals or goal-tracking apps. The key is to make the process enjoyable so that evaluation becomes something you want to do, rather than something you feel you have to do. Over time, it will become one of the most powerful tools in your goal-setting toolkit.

Evaluation is more than just a tool for tracking progress; it’s an essential part of the goal-setting process that can help you refine your approach, stay motivated, and make meaningful adjustments along the way.

Goal-setting isn’t just about defining what you want to achieve; it’s about how you get there. By incorporating regular evaluations into your process, you turn your goal journey into a flexible, responsive, and enjoyable experience. Not only will this help you stay on track, but it will also provide the insights you need to grow and adapt along the way. Remember, success is not just about reaching the destination—it’s about growing through the process.

So, as you set your next goal, don’t forget to integrate evaluation into your journey. By doing so, you’ll find yourself achieving more than just your goals—you’ll also deepen your self-trust and unlock your full potential.


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