Today I lost my coffee....
Apr 09, 2020
This morning I lost my coffee. Every morning I start by brewing a cup of coffee in my Keurig, and while the coffee is brewing, I feed my girls. Then, while they are eating, I enjoy my coffee in the living room. After getting them all set, I go to grab my coffee and it is not there. I look all over the kitchen. I look in the living room in case I already moved it. Then I think, Maybe I forgot to press the start button?, but the mug is not there. So perhaps I completely imagined placing the pod in the machine and pressing start?
This kind of absentmindedness seems to be heightened right now. Our minds are consumed with news and worry about the world, our country, our communities, neighbors, families and ourselves. When can we go back to normal? Will we go back to normal? What do we do to ride this out? What do we do to prepare for things being up and running? Then there are all of the shoulds.... I should have done this and I should be doing that. I should use this time to... fill in the blank. I have heard everything from "I should start a new business", to "I should deep clean the house." I honestly could talk about "shoulds" all day long and how they don't serve you; but for this instance, what if you should be doing exactly what you are doing?
This is an unusual time. It's okay to not know exactly what to do. If you haven't noticed, top leaders throughout the world did not know exactly what to do. This is new territory. It's okay to pause, have compassion for yourself and others, and feel the uncertainty. Then continue on with the things you can control and eventually find certainty in....kindness for yourself and others, feeling and sharing love across any distance, exercise/ movement helps, allow all of your thoughts but only continue the ones that serve you, check in with your thoughts daily, take at least one action everyday towards your goals.
We can not control the slips of mind and all of the distractions, but we can control how we respond and how we let it affect us moving forward.
So where was my coffee? Turns out, I had indeed placed the pod and pressed start. What I had failed to do was place a mug to capture the coffee. Luckily the drip basis was large enough to catch every drop, so no mess, but also no trace of my coffee. Mystery solved! So I brewed another cup, with an actual cup, and enjoyed my coffee and planned my day.
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